Ayurveda Women's Wisdom School





Reclaim Your Health & Happiness...

~ Welcome Heart-Centered Woman! ~

Be nurtured by the mother of all medicines in our

Women-Centered Ayurveda Practitioner Training!


What Our Students Are Saying...

"To say that the Ayurvedic Living School has transformed my life would be an understatement.  I came to Ayurveda broken, fragile and scared. I emerged happy, healthy and confident. From the bottom of my heart, I highly recommend all of the programs." ~ Anne Allen, Bend, Oregon

"I have launched my own coaching business, with expansion projected for years to come. I have created healing routines with habits in place to serve me on my path. I feel secure in my path with the tools to get me where I am headed." ~ Mia Hamilton, Ayurveda Health & Life Coach

"I took the Ayurveda Mastery Program this year. It was truly a life-changing experience for me. At the beginning of the year, I was a burned-out physician who was mostly in her masculine and in survival mode. I feel that I am a whole new person now." ~ Zivar Hajiyeva, Neurologist

"I am so very grateful to have found Ayurveda. Nothing has ever felt so right to me...having this background and tools to use allows me to truly take care of my patients and I am so grateful to be able to use this to help people." ~ Amanda Gray, Home Health Practitioner, Ayurveda Herbalist

Women are Rising Together!

What is Ayurveda Women's Wisdom School?

  • Whether you’re new to Ayurveda & natural healing, or deepening an existing practice, this program offers:

  • A softer feminine embodied approach to learning and living ayurveda thru our unique Matriarchal Medicine ModelTM
  • Experience self-transformation + professional certification
  • Anchoring into the nourishing daily self-care rituals of ayurveda and yoga
  • Amplifying your intuition, spiritual connection & body's own innate healing power
  • Connecting with a sacred sisterhood community of support
  • Expanding your self-care, healing tool chest & professional offerings
  • Comprehensive integrative training mastering both the principles & the practices of Ayurveda, Herbalism, Life-Coaching & Trauma-Informed Psychology
  • Study with our expert-led, heart-centered world class teachers from anywhere in the world
  • Become the healthy, happy, confident woman you were born to be
  • Launch the Ayurveda, Coaching & Herbalist career of your dreams in just 9-18 months!

 2-Part Training Includes:

The two non-sequential trainings below make up our complete training. Students may take the trainings in any order.

Ayurveda Herbalist Training:

Herbal Therapeutics, Imbalance Management, Herbal Products Making & Ayurveda Herbalist Training

Next Cohort Starts: February!

 Ayurveda Health & Life Coach Training:

Foundations, Nutrition, Psychology, Purpose Clarity, Ayurveda Health Coach & Ayurveda Life Mastery® Coach Training

Next Cohort Starts: July!

Your Virtal Classroom


🌙Weekly 3-Hour Live Class, Tuesdays, 1-4PM pt/4-7PM ET
🌙Weekly Video Lessons
🌙Peer Support & Practice Pods
🌙Private 1-on-1 Ayurveda Sessions
 🌙Monthly Integration Sessions
🌙Program Manual mailed to your doorstep!
BONUSES (Live Online):
($5172 Value!)
🌙3-Day Embodied Ayurveda Self-Care Retreat 
🌙3-Day Ayurveda Cooking, Herbal & Aromatic Product Making Immersion
🌙Seasonal Rejuvenating Group Detoxes
 🌙Self-Care Video Library (100+ Cooking, Self-Care & Yoga Classes)
🌙Private Community Forum
🌙Discounts on ayurveda products & foods for you and your clients
 🌙Optional Internship & Business Training
 🌙FREE LIFETIME LISTING in our online Ayurveda Practitioner Directory



Ayurveda Herbalist: Foundations & Core Systems Training

Doors Close: March 11th

Bundle & save additional: $501-$1001!

Space is limited. First come first served. 

Choose your registration option box below.

What Our Students are Saying...

"I have gained so much ancient and still relevant knowledge from amazing informed teachers, the support I received through the program was so personal. Everything flowed so eloquently and when I felt the switch go off for me where I started to actually understand and started formulating and being with clients it was so empowering and I saw myself as a healer for the 1st time. I am so forever grateful...thank you." 🙏 ~ Nicky Ziobrowsky, Special Needs Care-Giver

"Completing the Ayurvedic Herbalist Trainings gave me not just the knowledge but also the wisdom to heal bodily imbalances. The diversity of healing philosophies from the different teachers made this a very enriching experience. The hands-on medicine making immersions & internship helped bring the knowledge to life. I am deeply grateful to the school for the confidence I now have as I work with clients to help them jumpstart their health." ~ Mariam Bala, Ayurveda Practitioner

"The...Trainings have provided me with many valuable skills that I use both in my personal and work life. After completing the programs, I developed the confidence to launch an Integrative Health Program at my work place. I now offer holistic consults & prepare personal ayurvedic herbal formulas for my patients. I have studied many alternative health modalities over the years, but my knowledge of Ayurveda has allowed me to identify & treat...& look more deeply at the root issues."  ~  Lisa Hoyt, Nurse Practitioner

"I have always struggled with my digestion, anxiety, and self-worth. After completing both the...programs I can say that I have healed my gut, my relationship with my self, and have a newfound vitality and excitement for life. With the information I learned here, I now have the skills to heal myself and help others heal as well. The amazing teachers and community have done wonders to help me learn, heal, and grow as a person, and I am forever grateful." ~ Delany Bray, Ayurveda Practitioner

Your World Class Guides

Experienced. Expert-Lead, Heart Centered Teachers

Be guided by the "foremothers of ayurveda" each with 10-30+ years clinical experience

Traci Webb, Lead Teacher, Founding Director, Curriculum Designer, Author, Empowerer of Women

Mary Thompson, Ayurveda Foundations, Women's Wisdom, Family Systems, Ayurveda Lifestyle & Nutrition Therapies

Sandhiya Ramaswamy, Ayurveda Cooking, Herbal Foundations, Energetics & Formulating Skills

Mamta Landerman, Women's Cycles, Sex, Pregnancy, Care of Mother & Child, Cosmic Ayurveda, Ayurveda Psychology

 Vijaya Stern, Ayurveda Naturopath, Tantric Yogini, Pulse Guide, Subtle Anatomy, Yoga & Ayurveda, Herbal Therapeutics

Dr. Sarita Shrestha, BAMS, MD (Ayu OB/GYN), Ayurveda Women's Wisdom, Female Reproductive Imbalances, Menopause

Jennifer Wiest, Community Director, Intern Supervisor, Herbal & Aromatic Product Making

Lynn Hanger, Intern Supervisor, Self-Care, Habit Evolution, Dharma Activation, Time Bending

What Our Students Are Saying...

"To say that the Ayurvedic Living School has transformed my life would be an understatement. I came to Ayurveda broken, fragile and scared. I emerged happy, healthy and confident. From the bottom of my heart, I highly recommend all of the ALS programs."

~ Anne Hoffweber
Ayurveda Coach, Herbalist, Practitioner, Co-Founder Cascade Cycleboats

"The Ayurveda Life Mastery Trainings changed my entire life for the better in ways that I never would have imagined or believed when I first began. I'm eagerly awaiting the Ayurveda Herbalist Trainings and I'm even considering retaking the Ayurveda Life Mastery trainings because I know I would get even more from it the second time around. I believe that every person could benefit from this program, the teachers, and the community overall. I truly feel the most me that I've ever felt and what a tremendous gift that is."

Ayurveda Coach & Herbalist, Special Needs Therapist

"I took the Ayurveda Mastery Program this year. It was truly a life-changing experience for me. At the beginning of the year, I was a burned-out physician who was mostly in her masculine and in survival mode. I feel that I am a whole new person now. I learned a lot about myself, my needs, and boundaries, witnessed the growth of other wonderful women in the community, and dived so deep into the wonderful world of Ayurveda! Thanks to Traci and her team for their kindness, support, and love that they are sharing every step of the way.  "

Zivar Hajiyeva
Neurologist & Ayurveda Health & Life Coach & Nutritionist

"I have launched my own coaching business, with expansion projected for years to come. I have created healing routines with habits in place to serve me on my path. My healing journey has taken a slightly new direction, with a greater focus on my Self as a whole and with the wisdom of the ancients to guide me. Between life coaching skills and a much deeper knowledge of Ayurveda, I feel secure in my path with the tools to get me where I am headed. I still have a ways to go to reach all my goals, but I will forever be a grateful student to Traci and the Northwest Institute of Ayurveda."

Mia Hamilton
Ayurveda Coach, Herbalist, Practitioner & CEO Habitual Rituals Ayurveda

"Through the Ayurveda Life Mastery training programs I have learned more about self-care, physically, emotionally, and mentally than in my whole lifetime. This knowledge needs to be brought into the world to support the rising empowered feminine and empowered masculine! I have emerged from the wounded mindset I've carried since childhood and have learned to embrace and accept support, connecting even more to the beautiful light that is naturally in my heart. I've found deep layers of forgiveness and compassion for myself, family, friends, community, and world. Thank you."

Sonja Burgal
Ayurveda Coach, Proprietor~Joyfully Embodied Self

"I am a graduate of the Life Mastery Training and I can wholeheartedly say that this program has been such a transformative experience and a one-year journey of self-discovery, growth and amazing learning. The program offers foundations of Ayurveda and in-depth knowledge of Ayurvedic nutrition, self-care, psychology and more. In addition, it is a beautiful community of like-minded people who are curious, unique and are interested in growing and healing themselves and the world around them. My experience was a deep journey of physical healing (I did heal my hypothyroidism after a decade of taking medication - how exciting is that!!!!) and spiritual growth. I highly recommend this program to those who are interested in learning practices that can help live a wholesome and healthy life, who want to grow emotionally, spiritually, and who want to connect with and be a part of a beautiful community. Thank you Traci and everyone on the team for this year!"

Karolina Olamendi
Panchakarma Practitioner & Ayurveda Health & Life Coach & Nutritionist

"I have always struggled with my digestion, anxiety, and self-worth. After completing both the Life Mastery and Herbal programs I can say that I have healed my gut, my relationship with my self, and have a newfound vitality and excitement for life. With the information I learned here, I now have the skills to heal myself and help others heal as well. The amazing teachers and community have done wonders to help me learn, heal, and grow as a person, and I am forever grateful."

Delany Bray
Ayurveda Health & Life Coach & Herbalist, Nutritionist & Herbalist

"Ayurveda Life Mastery was life changing! Outlining in magnificent detail the road map for my journey and daily life with deep dives into my heart bringing clarity, revelations, and healing. Tapping into all levels of self, mind, body and spirit. I would recommend this program to anyone seeking deeper insights about life, themselves and who wish to cultivate true inner happiness. "

Janelle Schiavi
Yoga Teacher, Ayurveda Health & Life Coach & Nutritionist

"If you are thinking of taking a program with Ayurvedic Living School, do it! I just completed my third year with the school and Traci Webb's depth of knowledge about Ayurveda continues to amaze me. You will learn about Ayurveda, but more importantly, you will be in a community of amazing women all growing in the same direction. You will not just learn academically but experience Ayurveda in your life. I can't say enough good things about how this school has changed my life. I am grateful to have this knowledge to carry with me for the rest of my life. So much gratitude for Traci! "

Athena Andriakos
Pink Lotus Facial Massage and Reflexology

"This course was much better than all the expectations I had because it goes much more deep in a lot of aspects of life that I was not realizing before. All the powerful information changed my life in a wonderful way. I can now recognize every sign that my body gives me so I can take care of myself and the people around me in a very deep way. So powerful and amazing. I have amazing skills to face my life. I feel really motivated and empowered."

Marta Fabregas
Ayurveda Coach, Non-Profit Tour Leader of Nature & Oceans Adventures

"I have learned and applied so many life tools and knowledge during this course and into my life. It has strengthened my personal and work relationships, as well as, my relationship with myself. I have brought spiritual practices into my life and sustained them through the support and guidance of this course. I am so happy that Ayurveda is in my life and always will be!"

~ Jennifer Wiest
Ayurveda Coach, Herbalist, Practitioner, Proprietress of Amrita Botanicals Ayurveda-Inspired Aromatic Product Line

"The Ayurveda Life Mastery program has been such an wonderful point of focus to orient my life around. It has been an anchor in staying connected to myself and my dreams. It has offered some great tools that have inspired action to my goals and has aided in bringing greater clarity to my vision and my vision of the world. I am grateful for the community it has offered, and feel blessed to be able to connect with like minded individuals. I do love the ability to approach the material on our own schedules via the online course. I LOVE the program and what we are doing in it. Thank you Traci for the experience."

Valerie Allen
Ayurveda Coach, Sustainable Design Architect & Vastu Enthusiast

"Dear Traci, being in your program has truly changed my life in ways I can't describe. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me and my famiy. Doing this work and being in this community has given me my life back. Everything I had been through had taken so much out of me and you taught me how to "refill & rebuild" myself in such a profound way. Thank you a million times over from the bottom of my heart! ❤️ Lynn"

Lynn Hanger
Ayurveda Coach, Herbalist, Practitioner & Yoga Teacher

"The Ayurveda Herbalist Training has given me a different lens than I've ever had to look at imbalances - how they might have arisen and how to support them. And the herbal product making retreat was a beautiful way to spend a weekend together - it was inspirational, connecting me to herbs in a whole new way and bringing out my inner "witch in the woods"! Thank you to this entire community for support and encouragement in life, health, and career."

Sarah Klinzing-Le
Ayurveda Health & Life Mastery Coach & Herbalist, Licensed Massage Therapist & Massage Team Leader

"I am beyond honored to have come across this school and community and trusted my gut to move forward. I have learned more about life, myself, and others than I have in years! The way the content is shared, with such passion, honor, and wisdom is beyond what I could have expected! My level of self-care is at an all-time high and I know it will even go deeper and deeper with the seeds planted in me. Loving my Abhyanga rituals and various other self-care practices. THANK YOU for showing us Chandika too! I can not thank the school enough for this gift of wisdom shared over this year. I will honor it with devotion, and am so excited to share it with my community. You have gifted me with role models to look up to. I admire the gentle and loving ways I was taught to regulate myself and realign. Thank you Thank you Thank you xxx🙏🙏🙏🙏"

Dima Abifaker
Ayurveda Life Mastery Graduate

"I did the Life Mastery Program last year. It was so rich in information on self-care, living a nature attuned lifestyle with a sense of community. There is so much learning, personal growth and transformation that happens week to week. This year I did the Herbalist Program. It’s so rich in information while still exploring personal development and the ongoing sense of community support."

Angela Monson
Ayurveda Health & Life Mastery Coach & Herbalist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

"I could write a novel about everything I learned. The love, support and intimate experience that I had in all of the ALS programs would be impossible to get in larger schools. There were lifelong bonds formed among the teachers and students. On a regular basis we laughed, cried, sang, cooked, chanted, dreamed and held space for each other."

Anne Allen
Ayurveda Coach, Herbalist, Practitioner, Co-Founder Cascade Cycleboats

"This herbalism course was so much more to me than expected. I gained a community of awesome strong smart empathetic women who will be in my life long after the program ends, I gained self confidence into this healing realm one I never knew I needed, I have gained so much ancient and still relevant knowledge from amazing informed teachers, the support I received through was so personal I loved the one on one sessions making sure I was okay throughout the program from tech to the internship everything was so thoughtfully laid out for us. Everything flowed so eloquently and when I felt the switch go off for me where I started to actually understand and started formulating and being with clients it was so empowering and I saw myself as a healer for the 1st time. I am so forever grateful to everyone involved in creating and making this program what it is today and to the ladies who found themself in this program with me this year thank you 🙏 May the healing continue!! "

Nicky Ziobrowski
Ayurveda Herbalist Training Graduate, Special Needs Care Provider

"I just completed my second year with Ayurvedic Living School and Traci Webb. The amount of information and wisdom Traci offers is profound and at the same time practical. I have learned ways to care for myself and others that I will utilize and deepen with for the rest of my life. The support of the group kept me inspired and on track, and helped me to make changes and grow past old limitations. If you long to learn about Ayurveda and coming into more alignment with the cycles of nature, I would highly recommend studying with Traci!"

Athena Andriakos
Bodyworker & Ayurveda Health & Life Coach & Nutritionist

"The Mastery program was extremely supportive for both personal and professional growth. After taking this program, I am much more comfortable presenting my true self to others, both people I have known for years as well as new acquaintances. As a massage therapist, I have gained tools for guiding my clients into deeper connection within themselves. The recipes shared in the program have been deeply nourishing, too. It's such a great supportive community to be a part of!"

Sarah Klinzing-Le
Liscensed Massage Therapist, Ayurveda Health & Life Coach & Nutritionist

"I recommend this program to anyone who is interested in Ayurveda and wants to learn more about nurturing and empowering oneself...and online makes the program easily accessible. I learned a deep knowledge of Ayurveda and myself and made great friends along the way."

Amber Lucero
Ayurveda Coach, Herbalist, Practitioner, Chef, Facialist & Massage Therapist

"I had been considering the Ayurvedic Living School for 2 years before life let me know it was time. In just a few months I began to see life in a different light, those around me were noticing and telling me I was different and glowing, I met people who are surely going to become part of my life tribe and I have gained some valuable tools that have allowed me to see myself in a light of compassion and fierceness all at once. When I started the program I had an idea of where I was going in life as an herbalist, but now I have the courage and light to follow that path in front of me. Although I was aware of the life coaching aspect I didn't know how important that part of the course would be and how much it would help me catapult my calling."

Xiommy Rohena
Ayurveda Coach, Herbalist, Practitioner, Proprietress of Yerba Bruja Herbal Products

"In 2024, I embarked on the Mastery program at the Ayurveda Living School. At the time, I was feeling deeply disconnected from myself—both physically and emotionally—especially after becoming a mother. While I adored my son and poured so much of myself into caring for him, I had lost touch with who I was as an individual. Through the program, I learned invaluable lessons about self-care, goal setting, psychology through the lens of Ayurveda, and the foundational principles of this ancient science. Every single lesson contributed to my physical, emotional, and energetic health in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I am still a work in progress, but I can confidently say I’m a completely different person than I was before. I feel more present, more knowledgeable, and more empowered. I now have the tools to set goals for myself, understand my body and its needs, and approach food and lifestyle choices with confidence and clarity. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone interested in Ayurveda or personal transformation. I was first introduced to Ayurveda as a teenager and had been curious about it ever since, but it never felt like the right time—until this year. Signing up for the Mastery program turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. What made the experience even better was the flexibility of recorded lessons, which allowed me to revisit topics or catch up on anything I missed. Traci and the entire Ayurveda Living School team are so knowledgeable and loving, creating an environment that is both nurturing and inspiring. Taking this leap of faith has empowered me in ways I never expected. I’m incredibly proud of myself for committing to this journey, and I look forward to using what I’ve learned to touch and transform other people’s lives through Ayurveda in the future."

Talita Garcia
Ayurveda Life Mastery Student & Social Media Marketer

"I took the Ayurveda Life Mastery Program this year; I recommend this program to any woman looking to connect deeper with herself and other like minded women and to bring to light the most essential guidelines to find peace and balance within and without through the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. I found the teachings deeply intuitive and for me everything started to make sense and fall into place. I was going through personal and family health challenges when I started, to a point where i couldn't fulfill my basic responsibilities; with the tools I've learned, especially around selfcare, discovering my dharma and healing relationships, I now have the strength to move through each day with intention, compassion and presence and can finally feel and see myself healing and feeling the joy. The community of women, teachers, guides and students I was able to meet and bond with through the program is invaluable and has given me great support.. courage, strength and hope for the future of our race and planet."

Sara Valente
Ayurveda Life Mastery Student & Environmental Design Engineer

"The programs at this school are truly transformational. Before I joined the school, I was struggling with many aspects in my life, especially my father’s failing health despite best efforts (he died while I was in the program) ; lack of control over my life choices because of my dependency on my husband for my visa status and finances; and my husband’s deteriorating mental health and subsequent behavior and impact on our lives including kids. So, in short, a lot of anxiety, frustration, anger and resentment for lack of control over the way things were shaping for me. The program transformed my life in so many ways. It empowered me to know myself. I know what foods to avoid or to eat and what lifestyle changes are needed for me to support my health in the long run. The knowledge has helped me tremendously when I have felt anxious, sad, agitated or overly stimulated. I now know what to do for how I feel. I have found champions and lifelong friendships for myself here. Friends, peers, mentors, and teachers that believe in you even when you don’t and are there to support you, cry with you, laugh with you, listen to you without judgement and guide you as you sort through the debris to find your sparkle. The program helped me find my dharma- my calling at this time in my life. I needed to build a career to become financially independent. I am not there yet but the program has helped me clarify my goals, provided the tools to support myself in the journey and most importantly provided a safe space to be vulnerable yet be surrounded by a community of well-wishers to cheer me on every time I take a step forward in that direction"

Rashmi Sethi
Ayurveda Health & Life Mastery Coach & Creator of Vital Veda Ayurveda Nutritional Product Line & Former Computer Programmer

"I came to this school to absorb the traditions in these thousands year old vedic tools of healing. Surrounded by women of all backgrounds and experiences we embarked on the methods of psychology, nutrition and teachings that added depth to my learning so much so that i experienced physical and emotional healing. The detox recipes, the community gatherings in zoom, the discussions and the support from my coaches were next level. I feel so fortunate to be part of this educational online program"

Angela Maria Worris
Ayurveda Life Mastery Graduate & Sound Healer

"The Ayurveda Life Mastery program was thorough and very helpful to me, my clients, and for my business. Thank you for offering this!"

Stephanie von Meeteran
Yoga Therapist, SoulSpark Integrated Healing

"What I love the most about Ayurveda is not only the tools and knowledge I now possess, but the fact that by doing all these things for myself, I have really let my body know that I honor it and love it."

Amy Shultz
Ayurveda Life Mastery Trainings Graduate

"I have learned so much about myself and how to care for myself better in the Life Mastery classes. It was such a great investment in mySelf!"

Amy Gillis
Ayurveda Life Mastery Student

----- Frequently Asked Questions -----

These programs are for you if...

  • You're ready for a softer feminine embodied approach to learning and living ayurveda
  • You've been studying ayurveda, herbs, coaching, psychology and/or natural healing on your own and you want to fill in your knowledge gaps within an organized framework to understand the whole picture
  • You're a health care provider, yogini, therapist, coach, change-maker, healer, creative who wants to add-on or transition to ayurveda, health-coaching,life-coaching, herbs, nutrition, trauma-informed care and to use your gifts to empower others
  • You're ready to take your health, life, relationships & career to the next level
  • You're ready to step into greater confidence & visibility in your personal & professional relationships
  • You struggle with work-life balance, consistent robust health & self-care
  • You know you need a growth container to help get you to the next level including experienced mentors, ongoing one-on-one support and a like-minded community of powerful peers
  • You don’t want to leave this world with your gifts still inside you, you're not sure exactly what your gifts and purpose are, and you're feeling a sense of urgency to get on track for your greater purpose
  • You want to be a part of the solution
  • You're ready to release the deep inner hidden barriers & ancestral patterns that may be holding you back from consistent robust health, self-care, thriving relationships & the fullness of your impact potential
  • There are BIG, BOLD CHANGES or things you want to shift in your life or create – or wonder if you could – that you haven’t been able to clarify or create by yourself
  • You’re willing to get outside of your comfort zone and grow

100% ONLINE TRAINING: All live classes, bonuses and retreats are held 100% ONLINE.  Classes are held via zoom calls and they’re all recorded for you to watch and rewatch later from our intuitive online virtual school. You'll have indefinite access to all videos recordings.

Yes! You don’t have to be interested in becoming an Ayurveda Health or Life Coach in order to take the program.

  • Many students want to focus only on their own healing during the training.
  • Others are unsure if they want to be a coach yet,
  • During the training you’ll be clarifying your purpose and dharmic path as a part of the program.
  • Most of our undecided students by mid-year decide to register for that year's coach training internship program because they’ve reclaimed their sparkle and are inspired to share ayurveda with others.
  • Some students choose to take the coaching training internship program the following year.
  • Some students never take the coach training internship program. It's totally your call.
  • There's no right or wrong way to do the programs and you can repeat the programs as many times as you’d like. In fact, we encourage repeat students because it allows them the time, space and ongoing support they need to continue to take their healing and life to the next level.

YES! Don't let your schedule stop you. The materials and access to the community and journey we’re going to take you through will be effective even if you never attend a live event!

Monthly integration sessions are also scheduled at alternate times of day to accomodate women in different time zones.

Plus, all classes are recorded for you to watch and re-watch later at your convenience. You'll have indefinite access to all class recordings.

Our students have found that it takes 3-6 hours a week outside of class to transform their life over the course of the program. Our programs provide you the training, mentoring, community, and growth container you need to achieve your dreams week by week, step-by-step.

We recommend starting with Ayurveda Life Mastery (aka: Ayurveda Health & Life & Nutrition Coach Training) and starting with whichever class is registering at the time you find the school. That way you can jump in and get started! Many students choose to start with the "Foundations" training which starts each January. Many other students join us starting in July for the "Psychology" training. Classes can be taken in any order and there are no prerequisites. We believe students find us exactly when they're meant to and encourage them to follow the flow and jump into the next available cohort.



What Our Students Are Saying...



Step into Professional Visibility in the Ayurveda, Coaching & Herbal Industries!

Graduates may use may use the information provided in this course for self-transformation and/or to guide individuals and groups through private sessions, group coaching programs and/or public education workshops, retreats or wellness centers. The scope of practice emphasizes health & life optimization through ayurveda, herbalism, life-coaching, trauma-informed psychology & relationship skills. 

Scope of Practice Includes:

  • Offering private and group sessions as an Ayurveda Health & Life-Mastery® Coach, Herbalist & Practitioner

  • Offering group coaching programs

  • Leading public courses & workshops (ie, at yoga studios, wellness center, retreats, in-person & online events)

  • Adding-on the above offerings to your current offerings

  • Making your own ayurveda herbal & aromatic products and/or product line.

  • Internship Training Includes: Ownership of a complete done-for-you “Ayurveda Business Kit" (intake forms + client handouts) to easily launch your ayurveda, coaching or nutrition practice

  • Be an official Ayurvedic Living School Coach, Herbalist & Practitioner including free lifetime listing membership in an exclusive club of our published practitioners

Recognized Leaders in Ayurveda & Herbalism

Graduate with confidence—your training includes a Certificate of Completion and eligibility for third-party accreditation.

GIVING BACK ~ Organizations We Support

We put our money where our heart is. Each year we give 10% of our profits to Just Like My Child's "Girl Power Project". For each program you take through the school, you are empowering and protecting girls and women in throughout India & Africa. Your registration fees help provide these women the education, life skills and confidence they need to avoid early school drop outs, forced child marriage, early pregnancy, disease, and sexual violence. Girl Power Project trains girls to become leaders within their communities and to change the trajectory of their futures and that of their children and communities.

What Our Students Are Saying...


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